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Apollonia on Telling Prince the "Graffiti Bridge" Script was a "Piece of S***" (Part 9)
Apollonia: Prince Tapped My Phone & Hired Private Investigator During 'Purple Rain' Filming (Part 5)
Apollonia Cries: I Lost a Piece of Myself When Vanity Died (Part 11)
Apollonia: Prince was Trying to Right His Wrongs Before He Died (Part 12)
Apollonia on Her Favorite Prince Songs, Reflects on Chappelle Skit (Part 15)
Apollonia on Prince Crying when She Almost Died while Filming 'Purple Rain' (Part 4)
Apollonia Only Made $30K from 'Purple Rain,' Receives "Very Little" Royalties (Part 3)
Apollonia: Prince Would Pick Up Girls By Offering to Put Them in His Will, Never Had One (Part 14)
Apollonia on Passing on 'The Last Dragon', Meeting Vanity (Part 7)
Apollonia Cries while Recounting Prince's Death, Wanted to Die Herself (Part 13)
Apollonia: Rick James Dissed Prince & Asked Me to Join Mary Jane Girls (Part 8)
Graffiti Bridge - Prince Movie 1990 (Reversed)